We want you to love our product, that's why we offer a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If you aren't satisfied with the product we will accept the return within 30 days, no questions asked. Unfortunately, we do not accept returns for customized orders unless there's a production defect, in which case we will gladly send a replacement. We will also make it as easy as possible for you to return the canvas if it ever happens. You are responsible for any shipping costs that may incur when returning the package to our warehouse in Latvia, Europe. However, in case of factory defect, we will pay the return shipping fees.


Please contact us at or with our contact form before returning the item. We will give you all the instructions needed to return the canvas.

  1. Contact us at or via our contact form.
  2. Place the canvas in the original shipping cardboard box and seal the box with tape.
  3. Print a return shipping label.
  4. Return the package to your local post office
  5. We will refund the payment once we receive the canvas within 2 business days of the package arrival.


Exclusions may apply in the following cases:

  • The canvas was intentionally broken.
  • The product was customized personally.
  • Gift cards


Use code: 10PERCENT
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